From commuting around London during the week and adventures on the weekends, Dyed in the Wool ( DITW ) grew out of our love of bikes and love of travel.
This also happened to work quite well with the day job of working as an accessory designers for a number of large sportswear brands and design studios. We decided it was time to bring together what we have learned through our experiences into a full collection of performance accessories for your adventures by bike.
Although we have relocated to Poland, nature and adventure are still the main driving elements for us doing what we do. That feeling of arriving at a secluded glen or river, being in the middle of a forest or on top of a mountain. We want our products to give you the tools to explore and appreciate nature more as well as aid your city adventures and so we strive to make our products as sustainable and functional as possible.
Our love for bespoke, custom and unique, every day encourages us to push the boundaries, discover new possibilities and aesthetics. Therefore we create each bag as one off, giving all the attention and care to every single piece we create.
Trained as a fashion designer. Studied in London. Worked for a number of fashion and bike brands across Europe including Reebok, I-Ride, Orro Bikes. At DITW responsible for production, new designs and prototyping and whatever else is currently a top priority :D.
Trained as an architect in London. Gained her profesional experience across different disciplines from product design to fashion, working for companies like Reebok, Avantgarde, Studio XO. At DITW responsible for design, sourcing sustainable trim, marketing, photography, website, shipping, custom printing, PR... you name it :).